The president’s function is to take primary responsibility for organizing and coordinating the PTA. This includes but is not limited to the following:
Communicates PTA news and event information to parents and staff throughout the school year.
Meets with outgoing and incoming officers in the summer to establish goals, discuss the yearly calendar, and set the budget for the upcoming school year. The incoming president will then add their name to the PTA account.
Works closely with the treasurer to pay bills (two signatures are required on all checks), secure insurance, and meet other important financial document deadlines throughout the year (a minimal time commitment).
Checks the PTA mailbox (at least once a week) in the office and informs any officer or committee chair of information that is pertinent to their position and/or upcoming events.
Attends kindergarten registration to introduce the PTA to incoming families.
Helps organize Back to School Night and is present to welcome and inform new families about the PTA as well as assist in Student Directory and Raider Wear sales with other officers.
Prepares the agenda for each monthly meeting, has copies on hand at each meeting, ensures it is saved in the PTA files. This includes checking with committee chairs, a week before each meeting, to see if they have informational updates to share or need help with any of their responsibilities.
Leads each monthly meeting (8 monthly PTA meetings during the school year). Assists in communications of relevant topics keeping the meeting organized, on task, and on time. Leads all votes but does not vote him/herself.
Meets with the principal and other PTA committee heads to discuss business as needed. Much of this can be done through email (it is a minimal time commitment).
Ensures thank you notes have been sent after events (helps with this task if needed).
Works with other officers near the end of the year to fill all PTA positions for the following year, ensuring incoming volunteers are well informed and welcomed.
Vice President
The responsibilities of this position have varied over the years. Before the new school year begins, the incoming president should clearly communicate what they expect from the vice president for the upcoming year, as they will be working closely together. Below are the minimum requirements of the position.
Helps with Back to School Night, including Student Directory and Spirit Wear sales, coordinating volunteers if needed, and promoting the event to kick off the year.
Presides over PTA meetings in the absence of the president and helps with the various presidential responsibilities as needed.
Attends monthly meetings and any additional officer meetings.
Serves as a co-signer on checks.
Helps with Thank You notes when needed.
Helps other officers fill all PTA positions for the upcoming year.
The secretary is responsible for keeping accurate records of all PTA proceedings.
Must attend all monthly PTA meetings.
Records all business discussed at each meeting and then reads the minutes at the next meeting to be voted on.
Minutes should include: name of association, date, place, time (start & finish), attendance count, a statement of minutes from previous meeting, the topics of discussion, all motions, and the names of the member who introduced and seconded the motion.
Motions also need to be noted as “approved” or “approved as corrected”.
Minutes need to be proof read by the president or vice president before being posted to the website.
Minutes are emailed to the Website Manager to be posted on the PTA website within one week of each meeting.
(PTA Meeting Minutes should be kept indefinitely as they are the official record of the association.)
The Treasurer’s function is to receive funds and safeguard all PTA assets, make disbursements as authorized by the Executive Board, and maintain appropriate financial records. It is highly recommended that this person has extensive accounting or bookkeeping experience. (It is recommended this person submits to a background check to help ensure the safe handling of incoming PTA funds.)
Works with the Executive Board to develop an annual PTA budget for the upcoming school year.
Attends all monthly meetings to report any budget activity. (Makes copies of the current budget available for meeting attendees.)
Works with the PTA President and Boise Public Schools Education Foundation to manage account balances and transfers.
Monitors monthly revenue, expenses, and cash flow for variances from budget amounts.
Maintains and reconciles checking, savings and Foundation accounts on a regular basis.
Experience with Excel, Quicken and online banking required.
Any questions can be directed to the current Treasurer.
(Executive Board: The executive board consists of the four PTA officers; President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer)