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The mission of The Roosevelt Elementary PTA is to enhance the educational experience of our students by fostering a positive relationship between our school, home, and community. Through fundraising and volunteer efforts, the PTA provides resources to students and staff that complement those provided by the Boise School District.

The Roosevelt Elementary PTA and Boise Public Schools Education Foundation (BPSEF) are 501(c)(3) charitable organizations. Contributions may be tax deductible and/or qualify for the Idaho Educational Tax Credit. Please contact a tax professional regarding your specific tax situation.


All monetary contributions to PTA fundraising events go directly into the PTA General Fund and are distributed throughout the budget categories to be used the following year. This ensures the allocation of funds is handled through a transparent democratic business process. At the end of each school year, the budget categories are reviewed and any proposed changes must be approved through a vote.


If you want to make a contribution and have it go to a specific classroom, teacher, or purpose during the current school year it is suggested you make your contribution through The Boise Education Foundation.


You can contribute in many ways – below are just a few. 

Do you work for a company that matches donations to non-profits? Submit your receipt to match!
If you would like to donate using a Donor Advised Fund, the PTA's name is PTA Idaho Congress Roosevelt PTA, and the Tax ID is 82-6027839


One time









PTA Goals

Raise $65,000 dollars to support our students, staff and school in many ways, including maintaining the Art position at Roosevelt and preserve the funding for classroom supplies, Art Room,  field trips and school enrichment activities.

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